Jaw problems and temporo-mandibular syndrome

The temporo-Mandibular joint operates whenever you chew or speak, so it is one of the most used joints in the human body. Temporo-Mandibular Syndrome occurs when the joint is not properly positioned or functioning, so that the joint is exposed to too much pressure.

The most commonly occurring symptoms are: the jaw does not open fully, clicking sounds when the mouth is opened and closed, severe headaches, loss of hearing, ringing in the ear, swelling of the face, pain in the shoulder or jaw, neck ache, facial pain, pain in or just below the era, pain in the eyes or when swallowing, toothache, feeling nauseous, blurred vision.


A number of factors – such as problems with biting, stress or a habit of eating only on one side – can cause excessive wear and tear on the temporo-mandibular joint. It is often brought on by a dental problem. Habits, such as grinding one”s teeth and nail-biting only increase the wear and tear on the joint. Sudden onset can occur when one suffers whiplash or neckinjury.

How can we help?

A properly positioned spinal column can help prevent or alleviate Temporo-Mandibular Syndrome. The syndrome often occurs in combination with problems in the spinal column. Chiropractic examination and treatment, especially in the cervical spinal column can frequently lead to an improvement in the syndrome. Chiropractors are likewise trained to rectify any deformities in the temporo-mandibular joint and in so doing, help alleviate the pain, ringing in the ears, clicking noises, etc

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