Chiropractic for sporters

Each year we see athletic performance draw closer to the limits of human potential. Improving your biomechanics during your training can have a tremendous impact on enhancing your performance thus allowing you to reach your optimal potential. By keeping the joints in the body in proper alignment, your muscles will have the greatest strength, your extremities will be flexible and have the greatest range of motion, and you will have an edge on your competition.

Many musculoskeletal complaints arise from injuries sustained in sports. There are good reasons why the athlete should seek a sports chiropractor for the treatment and rehabilitation of a sports injury. Active people are physically and emotionally different from sedentary ones. Most physicians have not had special training in sports medicine or rehabilitation. Consequently, even outstanding physicians who don’t treat athletes regularly, often make mistakes in the diagnosis and treatment of athletes’ neuromusculoskeletal problems.

Chiropractors are trained to pinpoint and treat root causes to recurring pain in the spine or extremities. They are also equipped to successfully treat TMJ, Shoulder Girdle Syndromes, Tennis Elbow, Carpal Tunnel, Knee Pain, Sprained Ankles, Shin Splints, and Foot and Gait mechanics, herniated discs, chronic back pain and other ailments.
Dr Breske in Chiropractie Rugkliniek Heerlen is a Certified Chiropractic Extremities Practitioners (CCEP), one of 850 extremity specialists worldwide.

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