Interesting information

Chiropractic in Norway, part of the mainstream health care

The Chiropractic profession is well-established and respected in the Scandinavian countries – Denmark, Finland, Iceland,…

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Chiropractic in Switserland, mainstream health care

In 1939 the Canton of Zurich in Switzerland became the first jurisdiction outside North America…

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Organic fruits and vegetables

If you are interested in organic fruits and vegetables, we would like to refer you…

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Patient Satisfaction

A new independent national survey in the US has firmed once more the high patient satisfaction rate…

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Quotes from the medical profession

“Medicines are of subordinate importance because of their very nature, they can only work symptomatically”….

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Recognision chiropractic as primary health care by the Italian Parliament

Chiropractic has finally been recognised by the Italian Parliament as a primary health care profession,…

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We have different supplements available in our clinic. For more information, please ask one of our secretaries for…

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The WHO’s definition of chiropractic

A health care profession concerned with the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of disorder of the…

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