Free introductory appointment or Second Opinion

If you’re not sure whether Chiropractic might assist in alleviating or getting rid of your pain and discomfort, then we can offer you a free introductory appointment.

Prior to this appointment, we will ask you to fill in a form on the basis of which, plus any additional questions, the chiropractor is able to get the best available picture of your (main) problems. The chiropractor will also ask you about any problems you have had earlier in life, any accidents, (family) illnesses and your general state of health. After this, the chiropractor will give you a brief physical examination.

Based on the information, he or she obtains, he or she will advise you whether chiropractic treatment is required.

Please phone one of our secretaries and they will be pleased to make an appointment at a suitable time for you.
Telephone number: 045 5428686

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