England – Persistent Crying/Colic
Miller and Phillips report the first follow-up survey to assess long-term effects of chiropractic management of infants with persistent crying/infantile colic. Parents were asked about relevant behaviours according to the existing research – frequency of temper tantrums, interaction with other children, speed of falling asleep and frequency of waking at night.
117 former colic patients treated with low-force chiropractic manual therapy with success (measured by crying diary and parent report) and released from care by age 12 weeks, and now aged 2-3, were compared with 111 toddlers who attended nearby childcare clinics but did not receive chiropractic care. There were significant differences in both feed patterns and frequency of temper tantrums. For example where 60% of the treatment group “rarely had temper tantrums” 76% of the non-treatment group had them daily – with 40% having 3 or more tantrums daily.
(Miller JE, HL Phillips (2009) Long-Term Effects of Infant Colic: A Survey Comparison of Chiropractic Treatment and Nontreatment Groups J Manipulative Physiol Ther 32: 635-638