An On-site-Industrial Chiropractic Program
Cooper and Pfefer reported on the results of implementing an in-house chiropropractic industrial program at a large meat processing plant (butchering and packing of raw meat) in Manitoba, Canada, where this industry has one of the highest rates of occupational musculoskeletal injuries – primary repetitive strain and back injuries. In response to management concerns about the impact and cost of such injuries Dr. Cooper was invited to provide an in-house chiropractic service involving on-site services two days per week, and comprising early detection, treatment, prevention and occupational management of musculoskeletal injuries.
- Days of Lost Time decreased sharply.
- Average Days of Lost Time from April 2003 to March 2005 was 235.6 lost days per month, whereas after implementation of the chiropractic program from April 2005 to December 2006 it was 134.6 days per month.
- There was a high rate of patient satisfaction in all areas.
As Dr. Cooper delivered his presentation at the congress, he noted that there has also been a significant decrease in the number of surgeries since implementation of the chiropractic program, and that meat packing plant had saved over $ 900.000 in the first 21 months of implementation of the chiropractic program.
Cooper SR Pfefer MT (2007), EFC 9th Biennial Congress, 202 – 204.