Frequent asked questions about Chiropractic
- Are chiropractic corrections safe?
- Is there such a thing as too much treatment and should treatment sometimes be discouraged?
- Can you do sports after treatment?
- Can I decide for myself whether I need treatment?
- Do check-ups help?
- Can I ask a chiropractor for a second opinion?
- What does being healthy mean?
- Can chiropractic prevent back operations?
- Can someone who has had a slipped disc operation consult a chiropractor afterwards?
- Can chiropractic break vertebrae?
- Can a chiropractor help with a slipped disc?
- Can chiropractic help prevent post-natal depression?
- Can chiropractic be practiced safely during pregnancy?
- Should I go to the chiropractor during my pregnancy only if I have problems?
- Can any age group use chiropractic?
- Can I take my baby to a chiropractor?
- When should your baby’s spinal column be examined?
- You’ll have to learn to live with it! Is that always the case?
- Do you get your money’s worth with chiropractic?
- Does the chiropractor crack your bones?
- Are chiropractors bonesetters?
- What is cracking?
- What is the difference between chiropractic, manual therapy and physiotherapy?