Chiropractic Treatment

Treatment usually takes place in three phases:

Intensive treatment phase:
At this stage the objective is to correct or significantly reduce irritation on the spinal column and the nervous system. A number of adverse symptoms might manifest themselves at this stage, such as pain, discomfort and stress.

Reconstructive phase:
At this stage, the aim is to keep a close eye on the spinal column, while it gains strength. The chiropractic corrections will enable the condition of the spinal column to stabilize over longer periods. Many symptoms will disappear or lessen during this phase, but the spinal column still need constant attention to prevent the symptoms from recurring. The frequency of treatment is less.

Maintenance and prevention phase:
The spinal column has become quite stable at this stage. Coping with stress becomes easier. You should ensure at this stage that your body doesn’t slip back into old habits. Treatment becomes less and less frequent and are carried out on the same basis as a dental
check-upThe number of treatment sessions in the intensive and reconstructive phases depends on a number of factors and the individual. Determining factors include the type, intensity and history of the problem, the person’s age, general state of health and the degree of stress or emotional problems experienced by the patient. All these factors will have an effect on how the body responds to treatment and the speed of recovery.

Appointments during the maintenance phase will have the same frequency as a dental check-up: you go to the dentist to prevent cavities developing and a filling being needed. Likewise a visit to the chiropractor will help obstructions in the spinal column from developing. That’s why it’s important to consult your chiropractor on a regular basis and have your back checked to prevent problems from arising.

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